Datatype Package


The datatype package contains some data classes and some functions in different namespaces that you may need as a basic datatype for your project.


You can run the following command to install this package:

phpkg add


The Datatype package contains some namespaced functions to work with different datatype.

Str functions

The Str namespace contains a set of functions to work on strings. For more information, please read its documentation

Arr functions

You can find some useful functions to work on arrays in this file. For more information, please read its documentation


Here you can find a list of available classes in this package.


The Text class is a class for any text string. For more information, please read its documentation


The Pair class is a very helpful class where you have a pair of data like a pair of symlink to a file. For more information, please read its documentation


The Collection class gives you the ability to work with arrays as they were objects. For more information, please read its documentation


The Map class can be used for storing and working with a collection of Pair objects. For more information, please read its documentation


The Tree class can be used for storing and working with a tree structure data. For more information, please read its documentation