
The Map class in the datatype package is an implementation of the ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, and Countable interfaces, which provides a way to work with arrays using object-oriented syntax. The class is designed to hold Pair objects, which are composed of a key-value pair. The key is used as the index and the value is the data.

Note For more information about the Pair datatype, please read its documentation

Here you can see its API and see how to use it.


You can make a new instance of this class and use it as an array or use the available methods on the class:

$items = ['foo' => new Pair(1, 'baz'), 'bar' => new Pair(2, 'qux')];
$map = new Map($items);

assert_true($items === $map->items());

// Use as array
foreach ($map as $key => $pair) {
    echo $key.$pair->key.$pair->value.','; // Output: foo1baz,bar2qux

echo count($map); // Output: 2

// Use items() method on the object
foreach ($map->items() as $key => $pair) {
    echo $key.$pair->key.$pair->value.','; // Output: foo1baz,bar2qux

echo count($map->items()); // Output: 2


Here you can see a list of the available methods on the collection:


This method returns the number of items in the collection.

public function count(): int


$items = ['foo' => new Pair(1, 'baz'), 'bar' => new Pair(2, 'qux')];
$map = new Map($items);
assert_true(2 === $map->count());


This method takes a Closure function as a parameter. It iterates over the collection's items and calls the provided closure function for each item, passing the item's value and key as arguments. The method returns the current instance of the class.

public function each(Closure $closure): static


$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));

$result = [];
$actual = $map->each(function (Pair $pair, mixed $index) use (&$result) {
    $result[] = $index . $pair->key . $pair->value;

assert_true($actual instanceof Map);
assert_true([new Pair(1, 'foo'), new Pair(2, 'bar')] == $actual->items());
assert_true(['01foo', '12bar'] === $result);



public function every(Closure $check = null): bool


This method returns a boolean indicating whether all items in the map pass the check function. The check function takes two arguments: the value and the key of the current item. If the check function is not provided, the method checks if all items in the map have a truthy value. It returns true when the map is empty.


// It returns true when the map is empty.
$map = new Map();
// It returns true when every item has value.
$map = new Map();
$map->push(new Pair(1, 'foo'))
    ->push(new Pair(2, 'bar'))
    ->push(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
// It returns false when items are empty.
$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, null));

$map->put(new Pair(2, 0));

$map->put(new Pair(3, ''));
// It returns true when every item passes the check.
$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
assert_true($map->every(fn (Pair $item) => is_string($item->value)));
assert_true($map->every(fn (Pair $item) => is_numeric($item->key)));
assert_false($map->every(fn (Pair $item) => is_null($item)));


This method returns a new Map object that contains items that do not pass the check function. The check function takes two arguments: the value and the key of the current item. If the check function is not provided, the method filters out items that have a truthy value.

public function except(Closure $check = null): static


$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$map->put(new Pair(4, 'qux'));

$result = $map->except(function (Pair $pair, int $index) {
    return $index === 0 || $pair->key === 2 || $pair->value === 'baz';

assert_true($result instanceof Map);
    3 => new Pair(4, 'qux')
    ] == $result->items()

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, ''));
$map->put(new Pair(3, null));
$map->put(new Pair(4, 'qux'));
$map->put(new Pair(5, 0));
$map->put(new Pair(null, 'value'));
$map->put(new Pair(0, 'string'));

$result = $map->except();

assert_true($result instanceof Map);
    1 => new Pair(2, ''),
    2 => new Pair(3, null),
    4 => new Pair(5, 0),
    ] == $result->items()



public function filter(Closure $check = null): static


The filter method returns a new map containing only the elements that satisfy the given condition specified by the $check closure. If no closure is provided, it removes all elements that are considered "falsy" (e.g., null, false, 0, '').


$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put($item2 = new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put($item3 = new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$map->put($item4 = new Pair(4, 'qux'));

$result = $map->filter(function (Pair $pair, $key) {
    return $key === 1 || $pair->value === 'baz' || $pair->key === 4;

assert_true($result instanceof Map);
assert_true([1 => $item2, 2 => $item3, 3 => $item4] === $result->items());

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, null));
$map->put(new Pair(2, ''));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 0));
$map->put($item4 = new Pair(4, 'foo'));

$result = $map->filter();

assert_true($result instanceof Map);
assert_true([3 => $item4] === $result->items());



public function first_key(Closure $closure = null): null|int|string


This method returns the key of the first item in the map that passes the check function. The check function takes two arguments: the value and the key of the current item. If the check function is not provided, the method returns the first key in the map.


$map = new Map();
$map->push(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->push(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->push(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
assert_true(2 === $map->first_key(fn (Pair $pair) => $pair->value === 'bar'));

$map = new Map();
$map->push(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->push(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->push(new Pair(3, 'baz'));

assert_true(1 === $map->first_key());



public function first(Closure $condition = null): ?Pair


This method returns the first item in the map that passes the check function. The check function takes two arguments: the value and the key of the current item. If the check function is not provided, the method returns the first item in the map.


$map = new Map();
assert_true(null === $map->first());

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('foo' === $map->first()->value);

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'bar'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('bar' === $map->first()->value);

$map->put(new Pair(2, 'baz'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('bar' === $map->first()->value);
assert_true(2 === $map->last()->key);
assert_true('baz' === $map->last()->value);

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));

$result = $map->first(fn (Pair $pair) => str_starts_with($pair->value, 'b'));

assert_true(2 === $result->key);
assert_true('bar' === $result->value);


This method removes items from the map that pass the check function. The check function takes two arguments: the value and the key of the current item. The method returns the current map object, which allows you to chain multiple calls.

public function forget(Closure $condition): static


$map = new Map();
$map->put($item = new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));

        2 => new Pair(3, 'baz'),
    ] == $map->forget(fn (Pair $pair, int $index) => $pair === $item || $index === 1)->items()



public function has(Closure $closure): bool


The has method checks if the provided closure returns true for any of the elements in the map. The closure is passed two arguments, the value and the key of the current element. It returns a boolean indicating whether or not the condition is true for any of the elements.


$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair('foo', 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair('baz', 'qux'));

assert_true($map->has(fn ($item) => $item->value === 'qux'));
assert_true($map->has(fn ($item) => $item->key === 'baz'));
assert_false($map->has(fn ($item) => $item->key === 0));
assert_false($map->has(fn ($item) => $item->value === null));



public function items(): array


The items method in the Map class returns an array representation of the items in the collection. Each item in the array is an instance of the Pair class, which has two properties: key and value. The key property represents the index of the item in the original array, and the value property represents the value of the item.


$items = ['foo' => new Pair(1, 'baz'), 'bar' => new Pair(2, 'qux')];
$map = new Map($items);

assert_true(['foo' => new Pair(1, 'baz'), 'bar' => new Pair(2, 'qux')] == $map->items());



public function last(Closure $condition = null): ?Pair


This method takes an optional closure as an argument that is used as a condition to filter the items in the map. If the closure is not provided, the method will return the last item in the map. If the closure is provided, the method will iterate over each item in the map and return the last item that satisfies the condition provided in the closure. The closure takes two arguments, the current item and its key, and should return a boolean value. If the condition is not met for any of the items in the map, the method will return null.


$map = new Map();
assert_true(null === $map->last());

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true(1 === $map->last()->key);
assert_true('foo' === $map->last()->value);

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'bar'));
assert_true(1 === $map->last()->key);
assert_true('bar' === $map->last()->value);

$map->put(new Pair(2, 'baz'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('bar' === $map->first()->value);
assert_true(2 === $map->last()->key);
assert_true('baz' === $map->last()->value);

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));

$result = $map->last(fn (Pair $pair) => str_starts_with($pair->value, 'b'));

assert_true(3 === $result->key);
assert_true('baz' === $result->value);


This method returns an array of all the keys in the Map object. It iterates over the items in the $items property and adds each item's key to the array. The returned array contains the keys of the Pair objects in the same order as they appear in the $items property.

Note It's important to note that the method does not return the index of the items in the $items array but the key of the Pair.

public function keys(): array


$map = new Map();
assert_true([] === $map->keys());

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true([1] === $map->keys());

$map->put(new Pair('bar', 'baz'));
assert_true([1, 'bar'] === $map->keys());


This method is used to apply a callback function to each element in the map's underlying items array and return a new array containing the results. The callback function takes two arguments: the value and the key of the current element. . If the underlying items array is empty, the method will return an empty array.

public function map(Closure $callable): array


$map = new Map();
assert_true([] === $map->map(fn (Pair $pair) => $pair->key.$pair->value));

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'), 'baz');
assert_true(['01foo', 'baz2bar'] === $map->map(fn (Pair $pair, mixed $index) => $index.$pair->key.$pair->value));


It pushes the given pair to the map items. It replaces existing pair when the pair key matches with the given pair. It is important to note that the push method can only be used to add Pair objects to the items array, and not any other data types. Attempting to use the push method with any other data type will result in an error.

public function push(Pair $item): static


$map = new Map();
$map->push(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true([new Pair(1, 'foo')] == $map->items());
$map->push(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
assert_true([new Pair(1, 'foo'), new Pair(2, 'bar')] == $map->items());

$map = new Map();
$map->push(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true([new Pair(1, 'foo')] == $map->items());
$map->push(new Pair(1, 'bar'));
assert_true([new Pair(1, 'bar')] == $map->items());


It puts the given pair in the given index to the map. If the index not passed, it puts the given pair to the map by natural index. It the index not passed and there is item by matching the given pair's key, then the item with matched key replaces.

public function put(Pair $item, int|string|null $index = null): static


$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('foo' === $map->first()->value);

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'bar'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('bar' === $map->first()->value);

$map->put(new Pair(2, 'baz'));
assert_true(1 === $map->first()->key);
assert_true('bar' === $map->first()->value);
assert_true(2 === $map->last()->key);
assert_true('baz' === $map->last()->value);

$map->put($item = new Pair(3, 'qux'), 'foo');
assert_true($item === $map->items()['foo']);


The reduce returns a single value as the result of running the given closure against all items in the map. It works just like the array_reduce function. If no carry passed, the initial carry sets as null.

public function reduce(Closure $closure, mixed $carry = null): mixed


$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$result = $map->reduce(fn ($carry, Pair $pair) => $pair->value === 'bar' ? $pair : $carry);
assert_true(new Pair(2, 'bar') == $result);

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$result = $map->reduce(fn ($carry, Pair $pair) => $pair->value === 'not-exists' ? $pair : $carry);
assert_true(null === $result);

$map = new Map();
$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->put(new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->put(new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$result = $map->reduce(fn ($carry, Pair $pair) => $pair->value === 'not-exists' ? $pair : $carry, 'this is carry');
assert_true('this is carry' === $result);


The skip method returns a new map by skipping the specified number of elements from the beginning of the given map.

public function skip(int $offset): static


$map = new Map();
$map->push($item1 = new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->push($item2 = new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->push($item3 = new Pair(3, 'baz'));

assert_true([0 => $item1, 1 => $item2, 2 => $item3] === $map->skip(0)->items());
assert_true([0 => $item2, 1 => $item3] === $map->skip(1)->items());
assert_true([0 => $item3] === $map->skip(2)->items());
assert_true([] === $map->skip(3)->items());


It returns the first value of the map that passes the given condition and unsets the item from the map. It returns null and keep the map intact when condition does not meet for items.

public function take(Closure $condition): ?Pair


$map = new Map();
$map->push($item1 = new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->push($item2 = new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->push($item3 = new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$result = $map->take(fn (Pair $pair) => $pair->value === 'bar');
assert_true($item2 === $result);
assert_true([0 => $item1, 2 => $item3] === $map->items());

$map = new Map();
$map->push($item1 = new Pair(1, 'foo'));
$map->push($item2 = new Pair(2, 'bar'));
$map->push($item3 = new Pair(3, 'baz'));
$result = $map->take(fn (Pair $pair) => $pair->value === 'qux');
assert_true(null === $result);
assert_true([0 => $item1, 1 => $item2, 2 => $item3] === $map->items());


It retrieves an array of the values stored in the map.

public function values(): array


$map = new Map();
assert_true([] === $map->values());

$map->put(new Pair(1, 'foo'));
assert_true(['foo'] === $map->values());

$map->put(new Pair('bar', 'baz'));
assert_true(['foo', 'baz'] === $map->values());