
The Path class extends Datatype Text abstract class. You can use it to keep any path as a string and use its useful methods. It also gives you access to an API that you can see in the following.

Note For more information on the Text class, please read its documentation


You can make a new Path instance and use it like so:

use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

$path = Path::from_string('/root/home/user');
echo $path; // Output: '/root/home/user'

$path = new Path('/root/home/user');
echo $path; // Output: '/root/home/user'

The Path class resolves the given string by using the Resolver\realpath function.

Note For more information on the Resolver functions, please read its documentation

use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

$path = Path::from_string('/root/home/user/../project');
echo $path; // Output: '/root/home/project'


Here you can see a list of the available methods on the Path class:


You can use the append method to append a substring to the end of your path. It returns a new Path instance with the given substring added to the path. The new value also gets validated.

public function append(string $path): Path


use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

$path = Path::from_string('/home/user');

$project = $path->append('projects/awesome-project');
echo $project; // Output: /home/user/projects/awesome-project

$resolved_path = $path->append('projects/awesome-project/subdirectory/../filename.txt');
echo $resolved_path; // Output: /home/user/projects/awesome-project/filename.txt


You can use the leaf method to get the leaf of the path. If the path is the root, it will return the root.

public function leaf(): Filename


use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

echo Path::from_string('/')->leaf()->string(); // Output: '/'
echo Path::from_string('/home/user/project')->leaf()->string(); // Output: 'project'
echo Path::from_string('/home/user/project/filename.txt')->leaf()->string(); // Output: 'filename.txt' 


The parent method returns an instance of the Directory class from the current path's parent directory.

public function parent(): Path


use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

echo Path::from_string('/home/user/project')->parent(); // Output: '/home/user'
echo Path::from_string('/home/user/project/filename.txt')->parent(); // Output: '/home/user/project' 


The relocate method returns a new Path instance by replacing the given origin with the given destination.

public function relocate(string $origin, string $destination): Path


use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

$path = new Path('/home/user/directory/filename');
$relocate = $path->relocate('/home/user/directory', '/home/user2/directory/../another-directory');
echo $relocate; // Output: '/home/user2/another-directory/filename' 


The sibling method returns a new Path of the given path base on the path parent directory.

public function sibling(string $path): Path


use PhpRepos\FileManager\Path;

$path = new Path('/home/user/directory/filename');
echo $sibling_directory = $path->sibling('subdirectory'); // Output: /home/user/directory/subdirectory
echo $sibling_filename = $path->sibling('other-file.extension'); // Output: /home/user/directory/other-file.extension