
You can use the add command to add a git repository to your application as a package. This feature is useful for developers who want to use external packages or libraries in their application.

As a package user, simply search online, and as soon as you reach the git repo, you can add it.

As a package developer, there is no need to register your package in other places. Your package is ready to use as soon as you push it to the git.


Adding a package to your application using the add command is very easy. You only need to provide a path to your desired package, and it adds that package to your application.

The path can be a HTTPS path or SSH path to the package.

For a HTTPS path use:

phpkg add{owner}/{repo}.git

For SSH path use:

phpkg add{owner}/{repo}.git

You can simply add any package to your application using this single command. Remember to replace {owner} and {repo} with your desired package owner and repo name.

Alternatively, you can define an alias for a package and use the alias for adding the package.

phpkg alias package-alias{owner}/{repo}.git
phpkg add package-alias

Note For more information about the alias command, please read this documentation.

By default, it checks the given package's repository to see if there are any releases for the package. If it finds releases, it downloads the latest release of the package for your application, unless you specify the version tag that you wish to install.

phpkg add{owner}/{repo}.git --version={tag-name}

In this case, it adds the same version of the package to your application.

In phpkg, you can utilize semantic versioning to manage your package versions efficiently. For instance, the following command will add the specified repository at the latest available version starting with v1.

phpkg add{owner}/{repo}.git v1

However, sometimes you may need a development version of a package. In this case, you can specify development as the version tag, and it clones the package for your application. Cloning the package also happens when there is no release for the package.

For reading packages, phpkg needs a token. You either, should have an environment variable named GITHUB_TOKEN containing a GitHub Token, or you need to add one using the credential command.

For more information about the credential command, please read this documentation.


Let's say you need to install the test-runner package to our application. The owner of this package is php-repos and the repo is test-runner. You only need to run:

phpkg add

And it will install the package to Packages/php-repos/test-runner on your project directory.

You will see the package in your phpkg.config.json file under the packages section:

"packages": {
    "\/test-runner.git": "version-number"

The package metadata will be added to the phpkg.config-lock.json file:

"\/test-runner.git": {
    "version": "version-number",
    "hash": "hash-for-installed-version",
    "owner": "php-repos",
    "repo": "test-runner"

Similarly, you can add composer packages by providing their repository URL:

phpkg add

Why This Matters?

We believe that PHP has enormous untapped potential, and we are dedicated to creating tools that empower developers to harness its full power and capabilities. We aim to unlock this potential by creating tools that help developers harness PHP's full capabilities and extend its power to new heights. To this end, we developed phpkg, a cutting-edge package manager that simplifies the process of using PHP to its fullest extent. With phpkg, developers can take advantage of all that PHP has to offer and build more efficient, scalable, and powerful applications.